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Cambridge Admissions Office

Dr Rachel Sequeira, Research Analyst (Admissions), Cambridge Admissions Office
Research date: 
Saturday, 31 August, 2019

This paper contains part of our 2019 self-assessment of the University of Cambridge’s current, and recent, admissions position (it is designed to be read alongside the 2020-21 to 2024-25 Access and Participation Plan, which contains the rest of the assessment). This self-assessment identifies where there are differences between entry rates (the percentage of applicants with a particular characteristic that went on to be admitted to the University) to the University of Cambridge for UK-domiciled undergraduate applicants with particular characteristics (such as age, ethnicity, or using geo-demographic data), and seeks to explore reasons for these differences. Entry rates for specific groups of undergraduate applicants (such as mature applicants) were compared to the overall entry rate for all UK-domiciled undergraduate entrants in order to identify characteristics for which the University of Cambridge has current entry rate gaps (i.e. admits a different number of entrants from these groups than would be expected based on the number of applicants from these groups).

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